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CMS Mission Partners

CMS provide education and support (but not funding) for individuals who are called to mission in the UK or abroad.

In 2018, the congregation of St Margaret’s met Peter and Patricia Wyard who were about to leave their life in the UK to head off to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Patricia is a Consultant in Palliative care and Peter, a retiring Priest, will teach at Theological College and support local priests.

They leave behind three children, the youngest of whom is just starting Uni -  A massive and very brave step into the unknown.

Below is a compilation of some of their updates as they begin their journey.


Are you able to join us in supporting their work?

  • We will hold lent lunches on March 13th and April 10th in Lychgate Cottage (in the church grounds) from 12-2pm.  
            It’s just a social, with lunch of soup and a roll. No ticket needed, just turn up, have a natter and, if you are able, 
            make a donation towards their work.

  • There are CMS boxes on the table in Church. Please help yourself and return it to us at Easter (by the end of April)

  • There are also CMS gift-aid envelopes in Church. Just fill in the gift-aid section and leave it in the Church (or give it to Karen)

  • You can follow the link below to read more about the Wyards' mission, to sign up for regular updates or to make a donation directly to CMS to support them.

To read Peter & Patricia's Wordpress blog, please click on the link below.

Want to know more?

Watch Out for More Info.

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