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COVID-19 Update
COVID - SECOND LOCKDOWN - *Email From The Rector*
Dear all,
Once again please excuse me for emailing you together but I wanted to share the news about Church services with everyone as quickly as possible.
As you may have seen already once this second lockdown ends on Wednesday 2nd December, it very much appears that we will be able to have services in Church once again. Although this is brilliant news I do appreciate that some of you may not yet feel able to return just yet - please don't feel pressurised into coming back until you feel comfortable doing so. We will continue providing recorded and hopefully in the not to distant future live streamed services so you will be able to stay in touch through those.
As yet of course we dont have any idea on which tier of restrictions this area is likely to be in but I am hopeful that following all the previous guidelines will mean that we can have services from 6th December. I will of course confirm that once I know for sure.
This Sunday apart from the usual online Sunday Service we are planning on providing an Advent Carol service too. In the hopes that this helps us all approach this season of Advent with some expectant waiting for Christmas - I hope many of you will be able to participate and enjoy a good sing at home of the wonderful Advent carols that have been chosen.
I am sure you will join me in thanking Chris Bell for all his help in recording the services for the last few weeks - he has worked so hard and has been very patient with me when retakes have been necessary! I would also like to thank Carl Pierce for all the hard work he has done in editing the video clips he has received from various people during the week into a service for us all to enjoy on the Sunday.
Going forward to Christmas we are hoping to have some of the regular Christmas services, even if they have to be undertaken within Covid-19 guidelines and I hope many of you will be able to attend.
As before all services will be ticketed in an attempt to ensure we remain Covid-19 safe so please do check the website if you would like to attend and book a place once the services are advertised.
Please be assured of my continuing prayers for you and know that I pray for you all by name at Morning Prayer.
Revd Christine Spencer
St Margaret's Church, Ifield